Meet Doug Bouey
Preparation and Investment:
From my Master’s study at the Fielding Graduate University to training by the world’s best in strategy, communication and implementation, I’ve received concepts with legs through fine teachers. I’ve had wide ranging opportunity to apply and extend through 25+ years of mentoring Presidents and leading change processes in business.
Every engagement has a cutting edge concept underpinning it. Whether I came to it recently – like the fascinating change work in Switch or the far-reaching strategy of Escape Velocity – or found it a while ago – like Conversant or life planning with Fredrik Hudson, it is available in real time to power our work together.
I’ve put way more than Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours into working with groups and leaders in every setting from individual counsel to large group gatherings – I’m comfortable.
I speak on topics from The 5 Dimensions of Vision to Slam Dunk Implementation.
Awards and Accomplishments:
Don Cope World Chair Award: each year, one of the 600 Chairs receives this – the highest in the 18,000 member world wide TEC / Vistage world. In 2010, that was me!
Founder: Keepers of the Flame. Each year, the senior Chairs gather in Boulder to work of rekindling the fire. Now 100 strong.
My Personal Life:
I live a rich life. My enthusiasms are wide ranging from skiing and golf to music and art. I travel widely and write actively – check the blog. I am proud of my family. I practice the renewal I advocate.
My work is helping people of fine character extend their impact. I believe that strong leaders make for solid business. As we go, we create cascading benefit of great settings for good people. And the outcome reaches our communities of concern.