Hearts brim full
There are occasions when we can fill up our tanks at the filling stations of the spirit.
The wedding of my daughter, Jane, last Thursday, was one of those.
Now she was never one for making a fuss. least over herself.
She had met Dennis in Panama, of all places, last winter. She and her friend Nicole were riding a local bus [she is unafraid of exploration] and, confronted with a navigational challenge stood up asking if anyone riding spoke English. Dennis responded and a full blown romance ensued. They skyped relentlessly over the balance of the winter and formed up their compact. Dennis made a big decision. He decided to give over his former [very successful] life in Holland and become immersed in a life with Jane in Canada. And she just shone as he committed.
Seeing them reunited on Dennis’ arrival at Calgary International said it all. She just leapt to him and he to her. Our parental hearts jumped too. We were seeing our beloved daughter reach a happiness we wondered if she would ever know. It was completely wonderful in every sense of that overused word.
It sort of became clear they would be married. Dennis needed to be free to work here. They consulted an immigration lawyer. Yep, marriage was in the cards but as an eventuality not a necessity. They really wanted to be married back in Central America – Costa Rica to be precise. But they had to get the clock started. Hence the need for a “Calgary wedding” but they hung in there for the Costa Rican event too. So we’ll do both.
What we experienced started out as an expediency and ended up being a fullsome gathering of her friends, his family from Holland, and our extended tribe from here and my sis from Victoria. Once Jane got the bit in her teeth, she reserved the Jacqueline Suzanne bistro in Inglewood, and worked her way up to a spellbinding white dress with Dennis in a handsome tuxedo. A fine celebrant was rounded up and meal arrangements were made. No speeches.
The excitement started to mount as we sat in upstairs “loge” of the venue watching people roll in. Girlfriends – all grown up and paired off – appeared. A couple of kids courtesy of nephew Dan and Alex. A harp tinkling up in the window, causing passers by to gawk. The brand new in-laws who could speak excellent English and were fun to be with as a big plus. Buzz building until the magic couple arrived and got into position.
Well then the play was launched. The Handel echoed and Elaine and I paraded the radiant bride down to the podium. My heart was just bursting with pride and gladness to be part of this next transition as the generations take their turn at the full playing out of the majesty of life. We gave her away and the earnest Dennis and she professed their vows – she mugging a bit in the full grasping of the moment as we all bore witness to their pledge. She and Dennis had fully moved in to the occasion despite their initial reluctance and everyone there was able to be fully with them as they did. There is a truth to these time honored rituals and they give that sanctity and solemnity to what is being done.
The evening progressed from there with a handsome meal and increasing talk. All the pals and families mixed together and the volume rose as the wine flowed. And there were speeches. They would kiss after the glass tinkling initiator gave a mandatory little tribute. The talks were fun and off the cuff – none of the feared drunken 15 minute tales of embarrasment.
And by 10 or so it was over and all slowly filed out making more connections as they left. The celebrated and elegant couple were spent as were their attendants. The day came to a close – never to be repeated. It was well done.
Our hearts were full to the brim with love and gratitude that we are blessed with a new son and that our treasured girl has rounded another turn on the walk of life – now in company.
Doug Bouey
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.

What’s Our Business?
Doug Bouey, President
Catalyst Strategic Consultants Ltd.
Calgary, AB // Phone: 403.777.1144
Email: boueyd@catalyststrategic.com
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